看完 Carl 個 show 之後欲罷不能, 繼續在 Youtube 看了很多 Libertines 的 Live, 2010年Reading Festival 那個真的很精彩, (竟然)看了幾次.
但最印象深刻的是以下這個, 第一次看已覺得很神奇, Carl 頭兩分幾鐘究竟如何可以一邊唱歌一邊彈Lead Guitar的?! 真的很利害! 再拉下看Comment, 原來不少人也跟我有同樣疑問, 有位說他可以彈到這首歌, 但如果一起唱就彈不了, 專注不到., 就是呀!他的腦怎可以同時控制兩個不同的旋律?!
一向Pete 都被公認寫詞很捧, 但原來Carl 都可以寫出這樣優美的曲和詞.
其實無官方證實過這歌是他們哪一個寫的, 但毫無疑問一定是Carl, 因為他才有一對藍眼睛.
The Ideal girl in London from France
Came over then left me
She left me entranced
Now I have to get by once again on my own
Nothing but memories
So I remember your eyes that unique shade of brown
While these blue eyes of mine they stay closed
I kissed you goodbye on the M109
I choked as I watched the bus go
Choking and smoking to your angelic soul
choking and smoking myself into a hole
Where the only way out is to sleep and to dream
And to cry out your name.